Thursday, March 13, 2014

This picture

This picture isn't a very good picture, it was taken with my phone in poor lighting in a rush to make sure I captured this moment.  This moment and the dreams come true that this picture represents are priceless.
I had just come home from Walmart with all 3 kiddos. The twins had fallen asleep in the van, so Michael came in with me while I unloaded a few groceries saying "I need to let Ruger out" (of his kennel) which he did as soon as he walked through the door. I put one of the twins down in their cribs to nap and came around the corner to go back to the car and saw Michael sitting like this with Ruger, petting him, they both were smiling like they didn't have a care in the world.
I stopped when I saw this, it melted my heart.  There is just something about a boy and his dog. I grabbed my camera because I wanted to remember this sweet moment.
I realized later why catching this moment moved me so much.  We got Ruger when he was just a tiny fuzzball. So cute and precious and so much like the baby we so desperately wanted.
Most people don't look at our little family and think we would have struggled with infertility.  We've got 3 tiny kids close together and the twins were kind of an accident, but infertility comes in all shapes and sizes.  I wasn't super quiet about our struggle.  I wanted to talk about it, I wanted people to know it didn't have to be a taboo topic, I wanted to not feel alone.  For me, despite the fact that we got pregnant quickly with the twins, I'll always feel like it's going to take us a long time to have another child or that this one might be our last (which at this point with 3, we are blessed either way), but it's just a feeling (maybe even a label?) that I'll always feel.
So that picture means a lot more to me than just a boy and his dog.  It is the dreams come to life that I never knew would.  I always hoped but there was still that awful pit in my stomach that said what if that's just not for us? Ruger became "our first baby." 
So this is a picture of both of our "first baby's" Something I saw in my head probably a thousand time before Michael was conceived. We are truly blessed.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sweet n spicy lettuce wraps

Alright I said these were clean but really mine technically weren't :/ (because of the non homemade teriyaki marinade, you could make your own and it'd be clean though! Go you! Lol) they are delicious, full of veggies and definitely what id call healthy! I'm going to work on the nutrition information!

1.25 lbs of 93% lean ground turkey 
Head of iceberg lettuce
Olive oil spray (or whatever you have) 
2 bulbs of garlic, peeled and chopped (I have the already perked kind so I take a handful or so)
1/2 a yellow onion, chopped
2-3 stalks celery, chopped
3 carrots shredded (or about 1/2-1 cup preshredded)
1 tsp sriracha sauce (or more to taste, I am weak and can't handle too much spice!)
1 T teriyaki sauce
2 tsp stevia 

Brown ground turkey and drain fat if you can. 
Spray olive oil spray in empty large wok or pan and throw in chopped garlic, not long after (when you start to smell the garlicky goodness!) throw in chopped onion to slightly cook then add chopped celery and shredded carrot. Sauté on med heat for a couple minutes then add in ground turkey. Mix in sriracha sauce, teriyaki, and stevia. Cook longer if you want your veggies soft, turn off heat once  mixed if you'd like them crunchier! Put a serving spoonful on a lettuce leaf and eat! 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Update and Paying it Forward!

Update on my "get healthy journey"
This experience hasn't been just about a number, it's been about creating habits that will keep me healthy for the long term.  I am very confident now in my ability to stay healthy, to take what I've learned and use it for the rest of my life. And what's amazing is that it was simple, more so than I ever could have thought.  I feel amazing, I like how my clothes fit, I enjoy being active (and am better at it!), and I'm excited to teach my kids(and anyone else) how to be/get healthy!

Here are my stats, I think they're best done in pictures :)

30 lbs down in less than 3 months!

 I've had such an amazing experience with my health coach and the transformation of my mind and body that I've gone through these past couple months. I feel better than I have, probably ever, and have changed my habits for the better (probably by 1000%)  I've learned so much about being healthy, physically and mentally, things I thought I "knew," I didn't! It's amazing how much I've learned and am still learning! And because of this wonderful experience, I've decided to "pay it forward!" I've decided to take what I've learned and am still learning and become a Certified Health Coach myself! I'm so excited to start on this journey and help people who want to get healthier!

I love the philosophy of this program, that it's about OVERALL health, not just a number on the scale (although, for me, seeing those go down, was awesome!), it doesn't matter where you are now, it's all about where you want to be, WHO you want to be!  We can change that, did you know? ;)

If you'd like to find out more about the program you can visit or email me at :)

Saturday, November 16, 2013


This year we did some VERY homemade costumes ;)
Michael was Mickey Mouse
Colton was Chip (or dale, one of them!)
Callan was Dale (or Chip, like I said one of them!)
They were all SO adorable! (And for the future when Colton and Callan look back at this, I'm sorry you guys kind of look like girls :/ You're just pretty little boys!)
We had a great time at the trunk or treat and trick or treating on Halloween night around our neighborhood!
crashed! They were so tired and cranky when we got home!
enjoying his spoils, they got cracker packs at one house :)
and lots of candy!

pumpkin patch! (in pictures)

We went to the Marana Pumpkin Patch with some fun friends and had a great time!

Awesome jumping pillows we all loved!

And then they were hounding Dad for snacks ;)

Heading over to the farm play area!

Why yes, my friends and I did match our boys...

All 5 of them. Target clearance on adorable sweaters. We're just "those" kind of friends. haha

When did he get SO big? He's practically a teenager in this picture!

My 3 monkeys had a blast on the tractors!

All 3 in the wagon, such good sharers...sometimes!

"I'll show you how, Dad!"

"I made it!" but I didn't get the picture of him throwing his hands in the air!

All of my guys walking through the tunnel!

The petting zoo was definitely a favorite!

That happy boy liked all the animals this year instead of just the dog like last year!

 my handsome boys!

The guys, with all the kids. Yeah, I don't know why we thought that would work.

finding a pumpkin...and finding out that pumpkin stems are prickly

"LOOK MOM!" No clue what he's pointing at!

and still no clue what they're all looking at.

This is the best I could get, I guess with 3 kids, i'm going to have to be ok with 2 looking ;)

Loading up the pumpkins/ running through the vines

they thought they were SO funny turning their binkies around!

Both of them, look at that face :)

They really have my heart <3
We had so much fun!